Join a Therapy Group

When: Wednesdays, 6-7.30pm

Where: My home practice near Ripon, North Yorkshire

Cost: £15 per week

Facilitator: Nick McNamara

This is an opportunity to join an established therapy group. The group has been meeting weekly for one year to date. There is currently space to welcome 2 or 3 new members. (Maximum of 8 in the group)

Why join a group?

We have all been a part of many groups throughout our lives. The first group that most of us belonged to was our family of origin, then we were part of groups at school etc. and these experiences are likely to have influenced how we learned to be with others.

Perhaps we were conditioned to act in certain ways that didn’t feel authentic; to be helpful, to be quiet, to be stupid. Perhaps we felt in some way excluded, blamed, not important, not ok. Our experiences of our first groups will often shape how we interact with and process being in groups as adults; in social situations, at work and so on.

Joining a therapy group can be an effective way of exploring with others the ways that we relate in groups and the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and how others will respond to us. Through this exploration perhaps we find that we begin to let go of our stories; to build trust, to express ourselves openly, to feel known.

A therapy group offers a very different experience to individual therapy. By nature, we are communal beings and fundamentally connected. Groups can enable us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and can be powerfully affirming of who we are, both as distinct individuals and as part of the whole.

About Nick

I am a UKCP Registered Psychotherapist, Certified Transactional Analyst and Supervisor with more than 20 years’ experience. I have a keen interest in mindfulness and non-duality.

Want to know more?

Feel free to call or email me to ask any questions or to discuss the possibility of joining the group or see my website for more information.

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